Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lip Scrub-Amazing!

Hello everyone! I've been thinking a lot on what to blog about... finally it hit me. I have this amazing trick to make your lips very soft, and would love to share it with all of you! Its a sugar lip scrub.
Step #1
Pour a few spoonfuls of sugar into a small bowl.
Step #2
Pour about a teaspoon of olive oil into the sugar.
Step #3
Mix until a "scrub-like" texture.
Then proceed to rub the mixture onto your lips, and wash off with water. Finally, put softlips chapstick over your clean lips. This process exfoliates the lips and eliminates all dry dead skin. Why pay for expensive scrubs when you can make this simple alternative at home?
Also I have an update on L'oreal's face wash... I still use this product every day, but please DO NOT use after swimming in a chlorinated pool. It stung to use, but after showering it was fine.
Any Questions?
I will do my best to reply.
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Follow me on twitter: @makeupbypepper
and go to my YouTube page: MakeupByPepper
KEEP CHECKING BACK ON MY BLOG! I appreciate all feedback, and the more I get, the more I will post. Requests would be appreciated.
Love y'all! -Pepper

Thursday, April 8, 2010

L'oreal's New Go 360 Clean Facewash

Hello everyone, today I'm going to review L'oreal's new face wash, L'oreal's Go 360 Clean . (Disclaimer: All products mentioned in this blog were purchased with my own money, all opinions are my own.) I can honestly say that I was pleasantly surprised by this product. At only $5.99 + tax from Target, It is a wonderful alternative to those expensive department store brands. This product comes with a built in scrublet, with short rubber bristles that are very gentle, yet effective, whilst cleansing the face. My pores were noticably smaller after the first use, and I really noticed how clean my skin looked afterwards. I have dry/normal skin, and found that my noise was completely oil-free, but my face still felt moisturized. I do not have sensitive skin, but from my experience the formula should be gentle enough for any skin type. Also, this product is gentle enough to use in the morning and at night. I hope you enjoyed this review! Please comment with your opinions on this product. Also, I think my next YouTube video will be "Makeup for Almond-Shaped Eyes", which should be going up on Friday or Saturday, and maybe a collective haul from Sephora, Coastal Scents, Target, Walgreens, etc.? Tell me what you think.
Check out my YouTube page.
Email Me:
Twitter Me: MakeupByPepper
And keep checking back on my blog! Love y'all! Mwahh!
Remember: The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye, but found in the heart.<3

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Hi guys, this is Pepper. I'm fascinated with makeup and just getting started on YouTube. Soon, I'll be uploading tutorials, reviews, and haul videos. Please suscribe, and check back on my channel often. On this blog I will be reviewing products, doing text tutorials, or just giving you a "tip of the day".
Check out my YouTube channel@
Follow me on Twitter @makeupbypepper
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Thank you for supporting me, I really appreciate it.